Training and Workshop Agenda


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1 Fractured Reservoir Modeling and Interpretation
Course Description:

All geological formations are fractured to some extent as a result of stress triggered by the Earth's crust weight, high fluid pressure, tectonic forces, and/or thermal loading. Fractures occur at a variety of scales from microscopic to continental and are important in hydrogeology, the earth sciences, and petroleum engineering; they are present in almost all oil, gas, geothermal, and water reservoirs. Fractures create traps, serve as conduits to oil and gas migration, and can behave as barriers or baffles to fluid flow. Naturally fractured reservoirs contain finite and infinite conductivity fractures in igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary rocks (matrix) and formations. In most sedimentary formations both fractures and matrix contribute to flow and storage, but in igneous and metamorphic rocks only fractures contribute to flow and storage, and the matrix has almost zero permeability and porosity. Accurately modeling naturally fractured reservoir pressure transient behavior is important in hydrogeology, the earth sciences, and petroleum engineering, including ground-water contamination to shale gas and oil reservoirs. For more than 50 years, conventional dual-porosity type models, which do not include any fractures, have been used for modeling fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs and aquifers. They have been continuously modified to add unphysical matrix block properties such as matrix skin factor. 
In general, fractured reservoirs are heterogeneous at different length scales. It is clear that even with millions of grid blocks, numerical models may not be capable of accurately simulating the pressure transient behavior of continuously and discretely naturally fractured reservoirs containing variable conductivity fractures. The conventional dual-porosity type models are obviously an oversimplification; their serious limitations and consequent implications for interpreting well test data from naturally fractured reservoirs are discussed in detail. These models do not include wellbore-intersecting fractures, even though they dominate the pressure behavior of naturally fractured reservoirs for a considerable length of testing time. Fracture conductivities of one to infinity dominate transient behavior of both continuously and discretely fractured reservoirs, but again dual-porosity models do not contain a single fracture. Our fractured reservoir model is capable of treating thousands of fractures that are periodically or arbitrarily distributed with finite- and/or infinite-conductivities, different lengths, densities, and orientations. 
Appropriate inner boundary conditions are used to account for wellbore-intersecting fractures and direct wellbore contributions to production. Wellbore storage and skin effects in bounded and unbounded systems are included in the model. Three types of damaged skin factors that may exist in wellbore-intersecting fracture(s) are specified. With this highly accurate model, the pressure transient behavior of conventional dual-porosity type models are investigated, and their limitations and range of applicability are identified. The behavior of the triple-porosity models is also investigated. It is very unlikely that triple-porosity behavior is due to the local variability of matrix properties at the microscopic level. Rather, it is due to the spatial variability of conductivity, length, density, and orientation of the fracture distributions. Finally, we have presented an interpretation of a field buildup test example from a naturally fractured reservoir using both conventional dual-porosity models and our fractured reservoir model. 

Fikri J. Kuchuk, Schlumberger Fellow, is currently chief reservoir engineer for Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization Group. He was a consulting professor at the Petroleum Engineering Department of Stanford University from 1988 to 1994 and taught advanced well testing. Before joining Schlumberger in 1982, Kuchuk worked on reservoir performance and management for BP/Sohio Petroleum Company. He holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Technical University of Istanbul and Stanford University. Kuchuk is a Distinguished and Honorary Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and the American National Academy of Engineering. He received the 1994 SPE Reservoir Engineering, 2000 SPE Formation Evaluation, and 2001 SPE Regional Service awards, as well as the Henri G. Doll Award in 1997 and 1999 and the Nobel Laureate Physicist Kapitsa Gold Medal. Kuchuk has been very active in professional societies, as SPE International Director At-Large and many other positions. He has published and presented more than 150 papers on formation evaluation, reservoir engineering, and geothermal. Kuchuk coauthored Transient Well Testing (SPE Monograph Series), and Pressure Transient Formation and Well Testing.


2 Recent Advances in Intelligent Well Control, Monitoring, and Design Optimization Methods
Course Description:
Intelligent, or Advanced Well Completions (AWC) contain a series of Flow Control Devices (FCDs) installed in the production tubing along the well production or injection interval. This helps controlling the inflow or outflow profile for a number of reasons: reduction of unwanted fluid production; improved sweep efficiency; zonal flow control; etc. In addition, the permanently installed in-well sensors provide a range of real-time measurements that are used for effective well and reservoir monitoring.
This lecture will give a general overview of the intelligent well control technology, its applications, and methods well completion modelling, well design, well and reservoir monitoring, and production optimization of advanced well completions. 
In particular:
1. Completion and Production Optimization Techniques for Advanced Wells & Fields.
This part concentrates on the application of the advanced well completion and development of well/field control methodology. The methodology uses optimization tools for the optimal production set-up, robust well production or injection control, reduction in reservoir uncertainty. Proactive and reactive methods of the production control are discussed. A range of reservoir and inflow conditions are analyzed.
2. Advanced Well Completion Design, Modelling and Critical Analysis. 
Advanced well completions include both active & passive options for selective downhole flow control. Complimentary downhole monitoring devices allow efficient, flexible production control of these completion systems. Static and dynamic well completion design methods and ideas are developed and analyzed. Comparison and screening methodology for the different completion types is presented and supported by numerical and analytical studies. The full range of downhole control devices is discussed. 
3. Monitoring in Advanced Wells and Interpretation of Measured Data. 
Advanced well monitoring systems provide the raw data which custom algorithms can turn into real-time information that quantifies the multiphase flow rate distribution across the well’s multiple completion intervals.
This transformation of data into information is the first step in real-time, selective, zonal production management methodology. Downhole monitoring systems are reviewed followed by the development of the data interpretation methodologies both available and novel. Those include zonal flow rate allocation in real time, data and model driven analysis such as intergraded data pre-screening, and pressure and temperature transients. 

Dr. Khafiz Muradov is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, where he also co-leads several research projects including Joint Industry Project "Value from Advanced Wells". He has degrees in Physics and Petroleum Engineering, as well as work experience in scientific and petroleum research organisations. He has multiple publications, and has served on various SPE committees. He won 2012 SPE Ferguson Medal for the best paper published a young member. His research interests include advanced well completion technology, downhole production monitoring, well control, energy transfer in porous media.


3 Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources Exploitation and Development
Course Description:
This one day workshop provides a comprehensive understanding of the latest advances in the exploitation and development of unconventional resources, with an emphasis on shale. The seminar addresses all aspects of the process, from data mining and accounting to drilling, completion, stimulation, production, and environmental issues. It offers in-depth coverage of sub-surface measurements (geological, geophysical, petrophysical, geochemical, and geomechanical) and their interpretation. It discusses the use of microseismic, fiber optic, and tracer reservoir monitoring technologies and modeling software. It also explores future trends in reservoir technologies.
Key Features

• Aids in the environmentally safe exploitation and development of unconventional resources like shale
• Instills a comprehensive understanding of the latest advances in the field
• Provides a valuable reference for geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, geomechanic specialists, and drilling, completion, stimulation, production, and reservoir engineers
Selected Contents
Characteristics of unconventional oil and gas Resources. The Unconventional Basins and Plays—North America, the Rest of the World, and Emerging Basins. Unconventional Resources Workflow—Exploitation and Development. Seismic Reservoir Characterization Applications for Unconventional Resources. Pilot Projects in Unconventional Resources Development. Formation Evaluation and Reservoir Characterization of Source Rock Reservoirs. Role of Geomechanical Engineering in Unconventional Resources Developments. Laboratory Tests and Considerations to Complement the Overall Reservoir Understanding. Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Unconventional Oil and Gas. The Art of Data Mining and Its Impact on Unconventional Reservoir Development. Unconventional Reserves and Resources Accounting and Booking. Production Evaluation and Forecasting. Drilling Systems for Unconventionals. Multistage Completion Systems for Unconventionals. Stimulation of Unconventional Reservoirs. Flow Assurance. Artificial Lift Technologies. Monitoring Technologies—Microseismic, Fiber Optic, and Tracers. Rejuvenating Unconventional Resources. Environmental Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Resource Development. Case Studies, Accessing Software and Data. New Considerations and Future Trends in Reservoir Technologies for Unconventional Resources Development. 

Usman Ahmed, With more than three decades of petroleum engineering experience, Usman Ahmed is the Executive Technical Advisor at WellDog. Most recently Mr. Ahmed was Baker Hughes’ Vice President and Chief Reservoir Engineer addressing their global Unconventional Resources business unit. Previously he worked for Schlumberger, TerraTek and ran his own reservoir and production engineering consulting firm Energy Resources International. He holds a B. Sc. and M. Sc. (both in Petroleum Engineering) from Texas A&M University. Looked to as a technical and professional industry leader, Ahmed has two patents and is the author and co-author of more than 100 industry papers and two (2) textbooks (one of the book is titled “Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploitation and Development, CRC publications 2016) and have been invited to numerous events as key note speakers and panelist. He is a SPE Distinguished Member and also been SPE Distinguished Speaker in 2004-2005 and the SPE 2013-2014 Distinguished Speaker on “Unconventional Resources Development”.    


  Training Date
    13 August, 2016.
    Training Location
    Sinopec Conference Center,Beijing, China.
    Course Contact



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